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Submit an Exhibition Proposal

The SAGE Exhibition Gallery is a rotating space that features 6-7 exhibitions per year, at 4-6 weeks each. The Art Selection committee meets several times per year to schedule and choose exhibitions for 12 - 36 months in the future. 

Please use the guidelines below to submit your proposal for a solo or group art exhibition at SAGE. You do not have to be a SAGE Member to exhibit with us, but it is strongly encouraged as Members receive 5% higher commissions on sales of artwork than non-members.

Another way to display your work at SAGE is by becoming an Artist Member and showing work in the Member Gallery. Find out more about membership benefits, including discounts on framing and art supplies, at

Application Guidelines


The Exhibition Gallery Committee meets throughout the year to review the work of artists interested in showing work in SAGE Community Arts’ Fine Art Gallery. Please see below for guidelines to be considered by the Committee.


  • Artists who are interested in showing in SAGE’s Exhibition Gallery are requested to submit a portfolio of work. To be considered, please submit at least 5-10 images of work that would be available to show at SAGE.

    • We prefer these images be submitted digitally to both and You can do this via direct email, or you can create a shared Google Drive or Dropbox folder and "share" it with both of these email addresses.

      • You may also bring in or mail a USB-drive with your images and information if necessary.

      • Please do not bring any actual artwork to SAGE; we are not able to store any work for consideration by the Selection Committee.

    • Each image file must be accurately titled and accompanied by an inventory document with a list of all submitted work, including title, approximate date of creation, medium, size, and potential sale price (SAGE takes 35% commission on SAGE Member work, and 40% on work by non-Members).

    • Also submit a resume or CV, education information, and any relevant exhibition experience.

    • Please also include a brief artist statement about your artwork, process, and/or your connection to the Sheridan community.

    • If you would like your physical USB-drive returned to you by mail, please include a pre-paid and labeled envelope or padded mailer.

  • Please note that our Exhibition Gallery can display approximately 20 large artworks, or approximately 25-33 medium/small artworks.

    • Our show curators prefer to be able to choose from a larger body of work than what the gallery can display.

  • If you would like to exhibit multiple mediums (2-Dimensional work and 3-Dimensional work), please submit at least 5 images of each kind of medium (example, 5 paintings and 5 ceramic pieces)

  • If your work is selected by the Committee, it may be selected for either a solo show or a group show with other artists.

    • If you are submitting a proposal as an artist group, please send all the above materials in one email or shared digital folder (Drive or Dropbox) rather than separate emails for each artist.​

  • If selected, you may be requested to give an informal Artist Talk about your work at a public Artist’s Reception and/or another exhibition event.


Applications are collected throughout the year, but please note that the Committee meets toward the beginning of each year and plans shows 1-3 years in advance.


Send any physical application materials to:


SAGE Community Arts

Jill Benson, Executive Director

21 W. Brundage Street

Sheridan, WY 82801


Please email any digital materials to both and


Supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Arts Council through funding from the Wyoming State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts; by the Wyoming Community Foundation; and by Sheridan Travel & Tourism.

© SAGE Community Arts. All rights reserved.

21 West Brundage Street

Sheridan, WY 82801​

Tuesday - Friday, 11:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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